I bough it at Pasaraya Blok M (a mall in Block M area at Jakarta) and I attached it on my 486 computer, I used CBN Internet Service Provider, that was the nearest ISP from my city in the year 1995. This was a Zoltrix 14.400 kbps external modem, I still remembered when surfing in the middle of the night, because the phone fee in cheaper at night, you can get 3 minutes per pulse at night, while at mid day you will get 2 minutes per pulse. I take a 20 hours monthly package from my ISP, so I always make sure to not over limited and always noted the used hours on the sheet near my computer.
What the first thing I searching in internet? Yes, right! The porno websites :)
How about the speed? I still remember when I was downloading a 1 megabyte file for hours, the speed was about 1 kbps to 3 kbps, and I must repeat downloading when the connection is stopped, there was no resuming download software in that year (or I don't know about that?)
And the sad moment was when I must paid the telephone bill that exploded triple times after I use the internet.